Scott Pulls FNaF World from Steam, Will Give it Away for Free

Scott Pulls FNaF World from Steam, Will Give it Away for Free

He's as generous as he is nervous, I suppose.

pocru by pocru on Jan 26, 2016 @ 03:45 AM (Staff Bios)
It's moments like these that remind me why, despite everything, I still really like Scott Cawthon more than most well-established, more 'artistically pure' developers.

So, as I reported the other day, Five Nights at Freddy's World was released early, and while that wasn't a surprise, what WAS a surprise was discovering that the game, unlike the previous entries in the Five Nights games, wasn’t complete. Or at least, didn’t feel complete: for example, a lot of abilities went undefined, there was no way to tell the turn order, and HP bars only showed your current health, not your max health. That, combined with some sloppy design choices and some seriously lackluster presentation, meant that a lot of fans were complaining, even as the game continued to receive a ‘very high’ rating on steam.

Now, Scott apologized yesterday, has promised to fix the problem, and has even released a few patches since, but it seems a restless night sleep has made him feel worse over the entire matter, and now, we’ve found that he’s pulled the entire game off Steam, and has asked Valve to allow people to refund the game even if they’ve owned or played it for too long.

But that’s only the first step he’s taking to reconcile with fans.

“I’m still going to work on FNaF World and polish it up. I’m busy creating a fully 3D overworld for the game. When I’m ready to update the game, I will replace the demo currently on GameJolt with the full game. From this point forward, the game will always be free. I appreciate your support, and I encourage you all to refund your Steam game (even if you enjoyed the game), and download the new version when it becomes available on GameJolt.”

Yep. He’s going to make it free for everyone. Wow. Either that guy made way more money on Five Nights than I thought he did, or he’s really desperate to keep his fans. Probably a mix of both. Regardless, this is a really sweet gesture on his part, and I’m certain it will bring some much-needed goodwill back to the fans of Five Nights.

So go ahead and get those refunds and keep an eye on GameJolt--nothin’ bad about a free game!


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