Fallout 4 Will Not Be Coming out for PS3 or Xbox 360

Fallout 4 Will Not Be Coming out for PS3 or Xbox 360

PS4, Xbox One and PC versions are safe, however.

pocru by pocru on Jun 08, 2015 @ 06:26 AM (Staff Bios)
Fallout 4 was announced, as you no doubt know, and while there’s still a whole heaping bunch about the game we don’t know (despite what dozens upon dozens of reddit posts over-analyzing the trailer would suggest) but there is one thing we know for sure: it’ll be out for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Pretty solid facts, right?

Well, here’s another tidbit for you: according to Bethesda, the game will be EXCLUSIVELY for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Which means they won’t be making a last-gen port for the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. The reason cited was, simply, that by focusing on current-gen consoles, they can take better advantage of its expanded memory, which is important for open-world games like fallout, where Memory equals content.

Not too exciting, huh? But here’s the thing: this has a lot of people really happy around the web. Apparently, there had been fears that there would be a previous-gen port in an attempt to maximize sales. I can kind of understand the attitude, it’s good to know Bethesda plans to wring every ounce of power they can out of these expensive new consoles, but at the same time that joy seems a little… I’m not sure, elitist? Certainly sucks for anyone who can’t afford a new console, or just hasn’t had much reason to upgrade their old one.

Besides, at this point, there’s no real reason to play a Bethesda game anywhere but a PC, given how many mods they generally receive and how much slower they are to receive patches. A PS4 or Xbox One version of the game is pretty much wasted money already.

Oh well. Chalk one up victory for the PC master race yet again. Just a matter of time before they’re enjoying fart guns or… whatever it is you modders do with yourselves.


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