ZombiU is now Zombi for PC, Xbox One, and PS4

ZombiU is now Zombi for PC, Xbox One, and PS4

Resurrection appears to be a running theme of the game, so it's appropriate at least.

pocru by pocru on Jul 31, 2015 @ 08:04 AM (Staff Bios)
ZombiU, if you recall, was the Red Steel of the next generation: the obligatory exclusive title by devs that Nintendo contracts to prove its family-friendly gaming device can also be used for mature games. Unlike Red Steel, however, ZombiU was actually really good but had the misfortune of being released for the Wii U before Smash Brothers, Mario Kart and Pikmin Wii U Edition made the console actually worth buying. Between that and Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Ubisoft swore off the Wii U, and presumably to this day still has a picture of the Nintendo Headquarters taped over their dart board.

Well, in a move that both spites Nintendo and gives other console owners something to cheer about, Ubisoft has recently announced via trailer that the critically acclaimed zombie survival game will actually be making it to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC: this time simply called Zombi, because I guess Nintendo owns a trademark on the letter U now.

Looks pretty nice, right? Apparently, Zombi is a direct port of ZombiU save two changes: for one, it looks a lot better on the newer consoles, which is nice, but for two: the local multiplayer that relied heavily on the screenpad controller has been removed. Which is… kind of bad, but not a deal breaker by any means.

Zombi will be released August 18th digitally on the Xbox Marketplace, the PSN, and uPlay.


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