Zombie-Infested Aberford Spreads the Infection onto Kickstarter

Zombie-Infested Aberford Spreads the Infection onto Kickstarter

These '50s housewives are buckled up and ready to smash in some faces.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Sep 16, 2015 @ 12:24 PM (Staff Bios)
Awhile back, the zombie concept of Aberford piqued my interest for a multitude of reasons. Personally, I need to stay away from zombies lest I get nightmares (every damn time), but this Sketchy Panda Games-developed title dangles a unique setting in front of my face--a setting I simply can't ignore.

Aberford takes place in the 1950s--the real 1950s. Not only are citizens facing a sudden deadly zombie outbreak, but they are also living in the cultural mindset of the 1950s. Because of historical cultural accuracy, Aberford delves deep into issues that are more than just smacking around zombies with frying pans. At the base, you jump into the blood-stained shoes of four '50s housewives that need to save their families, but there is more to typical survival--social issues such as race and gender arise. With a balance of dynamic storytelling and Left 4 Dead-styled gameplay, Aberford is sure to become a successful and beloved game.

Oh, and you can't forget about the art direction of the game either! Aberford is visually stunning and vibrant, reminiscent of the direction found in the Telltale Games' The Walking Dead series, which is arguably a huge plus for many.

With all that said, Aberford: A Game of Zombies and '50s Housewives has finally landed on Kickstarter, seeking a goal of $675,000. With 32 days to go and at the time of this writing, $29,524 has been pledged by 704 backers, so hopefully if the campaign keeps this steady rate, the goal will be reached in no time.

You can check out more about the game, including the backer rewards, on the campaign page. If this game is definitely up your alley, then it is highly recommended to throw money at them.

I'm sure playing this will be worth the ensuing nightmares.


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