Xbox One is in for an Influx of New Games

Xbox One is in for an Influx of New Games

The floodgates are opening..

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Mar 01, 2017 @ 02:45 PM (Staff Bios)
At the Game Developers Conference today, Microsoft announced plans for the Xbox Live Creators Program. This program basically gives developers/publishers the ability to easily and rapidly publish their games to the Xbox Live store and Windows 10 PCs. Essentially, people will be able to create Windows Platform games and easily in integrate Xbox Live features and eventually publishing them to the Xbox Live store and the Windows 10 store.

While this is good news for developers, it may not necessarily be great for consumers.  While this new program allows more game developers to port their games onto the Xbox Live and Windows 10 store, it means while we might see some good games being ported over, we will also most likely see a lot more lackluster games as well. According to Chris Charla, director of Microsoft's independent developer program:

This means their title can see exposure to every Xbox One owner across the Xbox One family of devices, including Project Scorpio this holiday, as well as hundreds of millions of Windows 10 PCs, and millions of folks using the Xbox app on mobile platforms,"

While obviously many popular games have been ported to console from PC before, this program basically makes the process much easier, faster, and cheaper for the developers. Developers thus will save time, effort and money. Certain games that couldn't be bothered to come to Xbox will now have the chance to do so without much hassle. For now, the Creators Program will only be available as a limited preview to certain developers. Developers can find more information on Microsoft's website, and soon everybody will have access to the Creators Program.

Let's just hope Microsoft has some kind of system preventing poorly reviewed/received games from spreading onto the Xbox Live and the Windows 10 store.


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