Xbox Live Restricted for those who get Xbox One Early

Xbox Live Restricted for those who get Xbox One Early

Due to a retailer mistake, some people received the Xbox One early..

cronikgamer by cronikgamer on Nov 10, 2013 @ 12:56 PM (Staff Bios)
Xbox Live Restricted for those who get Xbox One Early

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Microsoft has recently accounced that the Xbox One will require a day-one update, and if you don't plan on connecting your Xbox One to the internet you will find it's very limited. According to Microsoft, the Xbox One "can't do much of anything" without that day-one update, which is probably a huge bummer for those who recently received an Xbox One early.

Target is the retailer responsible for shipping Xbox One gaming consoles too early, although it is not clear exactly how many of them were shipped. A source claims Target shipped about 150 Xbox One's two weeks before the official launch, but that number has not been verified.

Microsoft claims that consumers will have to connect their Xbox One's to the internet and install the day-one update before they can use Xbox Live. This is due to them updating their games, the UI, and online services. So the consumers who received the console early are stuck with a brick until they can get the update, which should be available closer to launch day, November 22.


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