Earlier last month, there was discussions among voice actors that the video game industry was taking them for granted and action was demanded. Talks of a strike started to circulate, and immediately fans and the press jumped on it, some opposing the voice actors, while others supported them. You know, the way these multi-tiered debates usually go.
Well, we’re not striking yet, but according to a new report, we’re one step closer to that nightmare future becoming a reality: The Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists has officially taken a vote, and 96.52% of its members officially support the idea of a strike.
As for what that means, well--not much, right now. But if negotiations with organizations like Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, Activision or EA break down, it means the strike can happen immediately, without further warning. So I guess this is something of a ‘final warning’ for us outsiders not involved with those negotiations.
Regardless, this is where we stand now. No matter what side you support, I think we can all agree we’d rather avoid a strike. House of the Dead’s voice acting is cute in hindsight. I don’t think it would be as cute in a modern triple-A game.
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