We're Getting a Vampire: The Masquerade Battle Royale Game

We're Getting a Vampire: The Masquerade Battle Royale Game


pocru by pocru on Nov 02, 2020 @ 05:41 AM (Staff Bios)
Vampire: The Masquerade is a series about politics, rituals, subtly, and the personal horror of trying to navigate a complicated world centered on death with your soul and sanity intact. In short, it's one of the last properties you'd ever think would get a Battle Royale spin-off, and yet, that's exactly what's happening.

Experience the next thrilling evolution of Battle Royale multiplayer action games set in the cult classic Vampire: The Masquerade universe where vampire sects are at war across the streets and rooftops of Prague. Choose your playstyle, go solo or together, battling rivals and the hostile Entity who’s hellbent on exterminating all vampires. Use your supernatural powers, weapons and blood to become stronger in order to hunt, fight and survive the night. The game is scheduled for release in the later half of 2021.

Created by the folks at Sharkmob, this game has you and a number of other vampires duking it out though the streets and rooftops of Prague, as the description claims. Going off the trailer, we can assume that the "blue circle" in this mode will be the forces of the Second Inquisition. Although the trailer also kind of suggests they're something you could fight back against, which isn't usually how these circles work.

In any case, while it's an odd choice for an IP to base a Battle Royale off, that doesn't mean it's a bad one. While speed and verticality can make such games difficult (a problem Ubisoft's Hyper Scape is currently suffering) if a game could get it to work it would be a lot of fun. And the "idea" of the slowly closing circle being a growing horde of powerful NPCs is innovative enough that I think it could be a real standout in the genre.

Still feels like an odd choice, though.


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