Warcraft Movie to be Serious in Tone

Warcraft Movie to be Serious in Tone

Dark Knight meets Warcraft? Maybe...

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Jan 26, 2014 @ 05:21 PM (Staff Bios)
Actor Dominic Cooper and star of the upcoming Warcraft movie recently mentioned in an interview that he believes the movie will be a bit more serious in tone and deal with some "real world issues." Take a look at what he had to say below;

"There's a very human story at the heart of it because there's a few of us that are humans in it that are up against tribes and problematic issues that exist in the world that we exist in. It's happening all over the world at the moment and you see it happening all over. People have savaged their own lands and their own environment and they're having to find a new environment in which to move into through the hostility of others. If there's something as poignant as that that we can relate to and that we see unfolding in everyday life, then it will make it a worthwhile story."

With that said, it seems like the movie might take a similar direction that the recent Batman movies did. I imagine we'll see many abused Orcs. What do you think? And yes, filming is steadily underway for an expected early 2015 release date.


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