Unboxing Persona 5's Collector's Edition Makes Us Jealous

Unboxing Persona 5's Collector's Edition Makes Us Jealous

And you can't blame us.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Mar 23, 2017 @ 12:02 PM (Staff Bios)
In recent years, I've become a huge fan of Atlus' Shin Megami. The Persona games are brilliant. Nocturne was a masterpiece. Digital Devil Saga was deep and introspective. And I've barely cracked the surface. Oddly enough, I've never gotten any collector's editions of those games. You see, the way I look at it, I already have a ton of clutter in my house. Why add to it?

However, if anything changes my mind, it'll be the unboxing of Persona 5 - Take Your Heart Collector's Edition.

In typical Atlus fashion, there's a lot going on. There's an art book, sound track, commemorative bag, adorable plushie, and more. And it all comes in a pretty fancy box, as well. Sure, I already have a ton of clutter. And sure, I probably won't get my hands on this collector's edition. However, I guarantee you that I'll be jealous and bitter about it.

How could I not be?


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