Combat" for a reason.">
The Surge's New Trailer Focuses on Combat

The Surge's New Trailer Focuses on Combat

It's titled "Combat" for a reason.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Apr 21, 2017 @ 10:00 AM (Staff Bios)

While the last trailer for The Surge focused more on the game's targeting, looting and equipping system, their new trailer showcases combat as a whole. While combat in The Surge does involve hitting your enemy in precise spots and equipping what you chop off, it also involves a lot of coordination and timing. This is the first trailer that's actually showcased how complicated and intense the combat in The Surge can get. 

The trailer, titled "Combat", showcases just that. Pure, intense, fast paced, skill based combat. While you can definitely take the approach of picking up the biggest weapon you can find, bigger isn't always better. The trailer showcases that you can use light weapons, playing very fast paced and agile, dodging and combining attacks in quick succession. Just like it's look-alike game Dark Souls, positioning and timing and speed are crucial to success. You can also utilize blocks, dodges and even jumps while also managing your stamina.

Unlike Dark Souls, in The Surge, you need to focus on your enemies weaknesses and decide where to strike according to which piece you want to chop off and equip. If you take advantage of your enemies weaknesses properly in The Surge, you can walk away with their strengths. While The Surge started off as a Dark Souls look-alike, it's clearly set itself apart from the series and really showcased its unique features with each trailer. The Surge is set for release on May 16.


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