Stormy Ascent is now Free DLC for Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy

Stormy Ascent is now Free DLC for Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy

Are you ready to face the storm?

pocru by pocru on Jul 20, 2017 @ 10:32 PM (Staff Bios)
Fans of the classic Crash Bandicoot (and we're talking super fans here) have likely heard of a mythical lost level known as Stormy Ascent, an ultra-difficult stage that was officially removed from the original game (although still reachable on the disk) for being way too obnoxiously hard. With lots of ways to die and only one checkpoint, this grueling level would push your Crash Bandicoot skills to their absolute limit... largely because, the designer admits, he had almost no idea how difficulty curve worked at the time.

So it goes.

But, with games like Dark Souls and Hollow Knight all the rage, the kids must love these super-tough levels, right? So, if you own a copy of Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy, the recent remaster of the classic platform game series, listen up: you can now download this bonus level from the PSN Store for free, and try it yourself on the upgraded system.

You can download it as DLC now for free, like I said, but in 30 days, the price will be jacked up to $3 USD, so if you want this treasure of a level, might want to grab it early.

And best of luck with your ascent...


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