Stealthy Squad-Based Shooter Epsilon Launches this Fall on Steam's Early Access

Stealthy Squad-Based Shooter Epsilon Launches this Fall on Steam's Early Access

This seems to be a different take on the typical shooter...

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Aug 21, 2015 @ 05:17 PM (Staff Bios)
A cooperative squad-based shooter are rather few and far between, but throw in stealth, and you have a rarity that shows promise. Today, Serellan, LLC, an indie studio featuring industry veterans that have worked on Ghost Recon, Halo, Shadows of Mordor, Mad Max, Killzone, SOCOM, MAG, Need for Speed, SWAT, and more, has announced that their upcoming title, Epsilon, will be heading to Steam Early Access this fall.

Off the bat, this game will place an emphasis on pre-planning, tactical engagement, and gadgets, but it will also be a cinematic, linear experience. In development for only a year, the game has grown to be quite visually impressive. Deane McGahan, Serellan's Lead Artist, describes the visuals best:

"I am happy that we were able to bring that style to Epsilon. We didn't want to work on yet another green and brown shooter."

To also flesh out the experience of Epsilon, Craig Gilmore will be creating a graphic novel that coincides with the game, which dives deep into an "ongoing crisis in Eastern Europe and the growing sense of Oligarchy in America in connection with groups like the Bilderbergs."

Alongside the visuals and a diverse cast of team members, the game aims to be just as impressive in the musical department. Rich Douglas, known for Insurgency and Shadowgate, will be at the helm of the department.

But there's another interesting note to consider: Serellan is teaming up with Razer to establish a full line of professional gaming hardware with integration like the Chroma colors.

What's possibly the best piece of news is for those that have supported TAKEDOWN: Red Sabre: Kickstarter backers will receive a copy of Epsilon for free. This surprise is definitely rare to see from a studio, and more-than-likely exciting for those that have backed TAKEDOWN.

For now, there's no price determined for Epsilon, as it will be dependent on how much can get done before the launch of the Early Access version. Serellan will appear with showings of initial demos at PAX Prime at the end of this month. If you're planning on being at PAX Prime and want to take a look, just head on over to the Razer booth.

You can check out their latest Epsilon Feature Friday video below, which focuses on Planning and Squad Commands:


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