Star Citizen Might Knock No Man's Sky Out of Orbit

Star Citizen Might Knock No Man's Sky Out of Orbit

Houston, we have a problem..

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Aug 21, 2016 @ 11:17 PM (Staff Bios)
While No Man's Sky has been taking over the lives of many supportive fans, a new game may be taking the spotlight pretty soon. Star Citizen was a crowdfunded game and the backers have not been disappointed, aside from the delayed release. Through each step of the way, backers have been able to play different modules that help the developers perfect different parts of the game. Unlike No Man's Sky, Star Citizen does not have randomly generated planets and each planet will have some history behind it. The game also features narration to help draw in storyline focused players. Co-Op will be included on launch and can be seen in the live game demo video.

If you want to get somewhere quickly in Star Citizen, you can pull up the star map on the space ship of your choosing. You can then activate your ship's quantum travel and blast yourself to your desired location. No Man's Sky has had an amazing launch and the developer is quickly fixing any problems that players come across. Seeing as how Star Citizen relies so heavily on it's community, I'm sure players can expect the same from them after launch.

The first Star Citizen campaign mission is expected to be available this year and players are very excited to get their hands on it. With these games, it's really hard to say whether or not it will flop on launch. During demos it's very easy to highlight the coolest features of the game, while leaving out the boring parts or bugs that players may encounter. Hopefully both Star Citizen and No Man's Sky continue to improve as time goes on and the two of them can battle it out for the fan's hearts later this year!


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