Splatoon 2 Datamining Uncovers New Modes and Weapons

Splatoon 2 Datamining Uncovers New Modes and Weapons

Not officially confirmed though.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Sep 05, 2017 @ 12:32 PM (Staff Bios)
Thanks to Reddit users, more information has been discovered regarding the future of Splatoon 2. Now, we can't say that these changes will definitely be implemented, as they have not been officially announced, but we do know that they have some coding done. The first is a new ranked mode called Rocket. It is believed that in this mode, players must travel around the map to gather three pieces to build their team's rocket.

Could this be a variant of Capture the Flag? Maybe there are only three pieces in total and you must fight to control all three at once. Currently, we have absolutely no clue, but we do know that Nintendo has put some work into the coding of this game mode and the maps associated with it.

In addition to the mode, there has also been another weapon discovered. The weapon is called the Bazoonka in the coding, but it is not related to the Inkzooka. In the coding, the Inkzooka is called the SuperShot, so we know that they are two separate weapons. Again, we don't know when or if these things will be added to Splatoon 2, but Nintendo has left behind some footprints to keep us wondering what's to come next.


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