Sony Screws Up Trademarks Again with Bloodborne

Sony Screws Up Trademarks Again with Bloodborne

This means nothing! Wooooo!

pocru by pocru on Mar 24, 2015 @ 12:33 PM (Staff Bios)
Do you all remember earlier when we had ourselves that little scare over Sony losing the Trademark rights to the Last Guardian? Well, it seems the neglectful soul responsible for keeping a tab on those things is at it again, because just a day before launch (launch being today) Bloodborne suffered the same fate: Sony failed to renew it's tradmeark, and at this exact moment, the Bloodborne IP is now public domain! Yay!

Except not really.

If you remember the last time it happened (or you just re-read the article I linked in), missing a deadline doesn’t mean suddenly Microsoft is making a port for PC or Xbox One; it just means Sony has to renew the trademark in the next couple months before it actually does get loose, something it will most certainly do.

The fact that Bloodborne, for the time being, has been ‘dropped’ by Sony is less interesting because of it’s connection to Bloodborne (it won’t affect the game even in the slightest) and more because what it says about Sony. This is the second time this has happened this year—and Sony is a giant corporation with millions of dollars and enough manpower to put a small colony on Mars, if they wanted. Keeping track of their IP’s is one of the most important tasks for the gaming portion of Sony, for them to have dropped the ball twice in such close succession… either somebody needs to get fired or Sony is so busy with other things that the memo just didn’t reach the appropriate parties.

Realistically, we’re probably looking at the former, but still.


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