Snowdrop Game Engine Produces Most Realistic Graphics

Snowdrop Game Engine Produces Most Realistic Graphics

Tom Clancy's The Division looks extremely real...

cronikgamer by cronikgamer on Dec 12, 2013 @ 08:24 PM (Staff Bios)
Gaming graphics just got ten times better, as the Snowdrop game engine makes real-life graphics a possibility. Recently, a promotional video has been released for Tom Clancy's The Division, which was created with the Snowdrop game engine. If you think the graphics on next generation consoles aren't much of an improvement - you're wrong. The graphics you see in the video below aren't just in-game movie clips, they are how the actual game environment looks when you play.

In the video below, you will see just how realistic the graphics are in "The Division". The environment will react to weather changes, as well as day/night transitions. You literally see bugs floating around the environment and it looks like real life as the video takes you through a destroyed New York City. The lighting effects are simply outstanding, you will literally see light shine through bullet holes in the wall. No game has ever looked this real before, check out the video!


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