Shadow Warrior 2 Draws Crowd at QuakeCon

Shadow Warrior 2 Draws Crowd at QuakeCon

As blood and violence often does.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Aug 05, 2016 @ 10:36 PM (Staff Bios)
There are plenty of exciting booths at QuakeCon this year. Each one is showing off something new for the gaming community. One of the notable presentations has come from the team behind Shadow Warrior 2. I ended up letting the first one slip past me. But having seen the impressive gameplay of the sequel, I have started to regret that choice.

That's a lot of blood.

The most refreshing thing about the gameplay is the visceral style. They took the first one and kicked it up a notch, and QuakeCon was there to capture it all. The procedural blade slashing is exceptional and very responsive. During the exhibition, attendees were shown multiple examples of cuts in different directions and how they affected the enemies. I won't spoil much, but limbs were definitely flying on more than one occasion. Aside from that, they showed a wide selection of weapons from different blades to a shotgun. Each one had its own special use for specific situations. Then again, players can always just try and dismember everyone with the sword. I know I will.


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