Two entertainment companies, known as Fuel Entertainment and Lightbox Interactive were blocked by the New Mexico Environmental Department when they attempted to dig up the rumored "E.T. landfill". The landfill is a burial site of millions of cartridges for the "E.T." game based off the movie due to the game's unsuccessful launch. The companies seek to dig up the landfill due to environmental risks that it poses, stating that composition tests found "22 compounds of concern." In order to initiate the dig, the companies have to obtain a WEP (Waste Excavation Plan) approval. Since the first one's rejection, they have not yet filed for a new one.
While those chemicals are concerning, the videos of the E.T. Game... They make me shudder. I guess I'm just a youngster who wasn't an Atari kid, but even I know there were good classics like Pitfall. Even THAT had substance. This, not so much. Maybe you should let the cartridges rest, and not possibly unleash a horrible technological curse on us. I can see it now. First one to dig up a single cartridge will only be able to play that game for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.
Man, that'd be a harsh existence.
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