Sealed Copy of Super Mario Bros. Sells on eBay for Over $30,000

Sealed Copy of Super Mario Bros. Sells on eBay for Over $30,000

Sometimes it pays to save.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Jul 27, 2017 @ 01:51 PM (Staff Bios)
A sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. for the NES is pretty hard to come by. The game is so old that at this point, the majority of copies have already been torn open. One collector somehow managed to keep his sealed up and in absolutely perfect condition, and it's a good thing he did. The bidding opened up at just one penny, which eventually grew to a price of $30,100.44.

Just to put this into perspective a little bit, if you were to sell a loose copy of Super Mario Bros., you would probably get about $15. The fact that this game is completely sealed and unharmed raised it an additional $30,085.44. That's pretty freakin' incredible if you think about it. Obviously some games are so rare that the price will be high no matter what condition it's in, but condition is everything for Super Mario Bros.

A well-known collector commented on the NintendoAge forums, stating there are probably only a dozen copies of Super Mario Bros. that look like this, and the one that was just sold is easily in the best condition. If you want to be a collector, I hope you have a pretty fat wallet. This stuff certainly isn't cheap and you're going to have to slam some heads during a bidding battle.


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