Rumor: Mass Effect Andromeda Single-Player DLC Canceled, but Not

Rumor: Mass Effect Andromeda Single-Player DLC Canceled, but Not

The rumor has since been dispelled.

pocru by pocru on Jul 02, 2017 @ 10:44 PM (Staff Bios)
Remember how we reported a few months back that Mass Effect: Andromeda wouldn't have any season passes? Well, the decision not to release any has proved to be a good decision for all parties involved, because the rumor mill has generated quite the interesting little nugget: apparently EA was so disappointed in Andromeda, not only are they putting the whole series in hiatus, they've gone ahead and canceled any and all single-player DLC that the game would have received.

That was the rumor, anyway. Word started circulating over the weekend that they had canceled all the DLC that would be released for the game in-general. Kotaku investigated, and a source called Sinclair Networks told them that while DLC was still being planned for the multiplayer aspect of the game (of course), it was only specifically the single-player content that would be canceled. Which, of course, made this rumor worse somehow.

But, it wasn't to last. When reached out for comment, EA had this to say:

“We’ve never worked with Sinclair Networks and they had nothing to do with the development of Mass Effect: Andromeda. Beyond that, we don’t have any news to share at this time regarding DLC.”

So we've been pranked, but interestingly, that's not a denial that the rumors are wrong. Interesting...

Mass Effect single-player DLC has always been a mixed bag. People will say that the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC is a must-play, while others, like some/most of the DLC characters in Mass Effect 2, are a waste of money at the best of times (seriously, who wants a character your other characters can't quip with?) so given how EA has been stepping away from the IP as of late, I really wouldn't be surprised if they did cancel any single-player DLC. But this is still EA, so, supposing they'd cancel any and all would be a bit of a pipe dream, huh?

Well, we'll have to see.


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