Rocket League is 'Potentially' Coming to the Nintendo Switch

Rocket League is 'Potentially' Coming to the Nintendo Switch

Potentially being the keyword.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Mar 28, 2017 @ 10:19 PM (Staff Bios)
Psyonix's Rocket League has been growing in both player base and available platforms since its initial release in 2015, so it wouldn't be a surprise if the game did get a port for the Nintendo Switch. Honestly, other than Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Switch has a relatively boring title lineup right now. If Rocket League does get ported to the Switch, it would definitely spice up their lineup a bit. 

I would imagine that there is an extensive process for developers that want to port their games onto the Switch, but in a discussion with IGN, Psyonix Vice President Jeremy Dunham said that they are 'evaluating' the possibility of bringing Rocket League to the Nintendo Switch. Dunham explained that they need to think about the various factors that go into the initial decision such as community demand, technical limitations and whether bringing it to the Switch will actually benefit them financially. After all, Rocket League already as a huge player base on both console and PC, so Psyonix needs to determine whether there is a large enough target audience for the Switch or not.

"Just like all the other platforms, we are evaluating it. Were looking to see what the technical requirements are," Dunham said. "Were looking to see what kind of true community demand there is. Were looking to see how it would benefit the community as a whole. So were still in that evaluation phase. Its definitely too early to say that it wouldnt happen, but its also definitely too early to say that it would."

Dunham explained that it's definitely too early to confirm if it will be coming to the Switch, but it's also too early to say that it won't be. So I guess don't get too excited but also don't get too depressed. Just stay neutral for now.  It would definitely be a smart decision on Nintendo's part since Rocket League has a consistently growing player base, and Psyonix recently surpassed 25 million copies sold. For a game with such a strange and simple concept that can be enjoyed at a casual and professional level, it definitely hits a huge target audience. Young players and Adults alike can enjoy the game all the same since it can be played at a beginner's level, and it has the potential for players to reach extremely professional levels.

While Dunham basically just gave us a tease, there's definitely a good chance that Rocket League will make its way to the switch. Just don't get your hopes up yet.


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