Released Dropsy Brings to Light the Point-and-Click Hugventure Genre

Released Dropsy Brings to Light the Point-and-Click Hugventure Genre

I promise you, it's not horror-related.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Sep 11, 2015 @ 04:26 PM (Staff Bios)
Clown hugs all around! Tendershoot and A Jolly Corpse have teamed up with Devolver Digital to release the point and click hugventure Dropsy for Mac, PC, and Linux. Dropsy's legacy, born on internet forums, has come to life in a touching tale revolving around self-discovery, love, and redemption. The poor clown is on a quest to clear his name after becoming associated with a deadly circus fire and the death of his mother. And the gameplay? It's a tad different than what you'd might expect. Instead of relying on text dialog trees, Dropsy must communicate with both people and animals through visual icons. Additionally, he must solve geographically-based puzzles, unlock dark and shameful secrets, and collect many items to help him on his journey.

According to legendary Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker:

"These so-called industry experts will tell you that the 'mute clown point-and-click adventure' genre is dead but our research shows that this thinking couldn't be farther from the truthy. Also, the game has zero text so we're saving millions on localization costs."

Smart move, guys. Smart move.

Dropsy is currently available on Steam, Humble, and GoG, complete with a week-long discount of 10 percent off the full price of $9.99. For those truly in love with Dropsy and must have everything Dropsy-related, you can always pick up the Warm Damp Hug Edition (uh...), which includes the game (obviously), the official soundtrack, the Dreamworld EP, and the Dropsy Book of Secrets digital book for $19.99. And if you're not a fan of the PC, don't worry. Dropsy always has hugs available for mobile users. Look forward to Dropsy on iOS and Android later this fall.


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