Ratings Board Explains Why the 2K20 MyTeam Trailer is A-Okay by Them

Ratings Board Explains Why the 2K20 MyTeam Trailer is A-Okay by Them

It's not real gambling, still.

pocru by pocru on Sep 03, 2019 @ 01:19 AM (Staff Bios)
If you’re attuned to the gaming space, you’ve probably already heard of or seen the now-infamous NBA 2K20 MyTeam trailer, which decides to address the troubling and topical issues of gambling in video games by punching you in the face with them then kicking your curled-up body.

Looking at all those gambling mechanics, you’d be hard-pressed to wonder why this game, apparently rated E for everyone, would get this kind of rating without mentioning the enormous and outrageous gambling mechanics that have been shoveled in there. And interestingly, when Reddit user Anime-NoireChan actually called PEGI, the European rating system, out on it in an email, they actually replied.

And, since you deserve to read the whole thing…. Here we go.

"We have seen the announcement trailer of NBA 2K20 and noticed the controversy it has caused. We feel it is important to carefully explain when certain content is triggering the gambling descriptor in the PEGI system, but also to show when it does not at this moment.

"A video game gets the gambling content descriptor if it contains moving images that encourage and/or teach the use of games of chance that are played/carried out as a traditional means of gambling.

"We use a help text to clarify this in more detail: This refers to types of betting or gambling for money that is normally played/carried out in casinos, gambling halls, racetracks. This does not cover games where betting or gambling is simply part of the general storyline. The game must actually teach the player how to gamble or bet and/or encourage the player to want to gamble or bet for money in real life.

"For example, this will include games that teach the player how to play card games that are usually played for money or how to play the odds in horse racing.

"It is important to stress that the controversial imagery played a central role in the trailer, but it may not necessarily do so in the game, which has not yet been released.

"At this point in time, PEGI can only comment on the trailer that has been made publicly available.

"The trailer includes imagery that is generally known from casinos (wheel of fortune, slot machines). Using this sort of mechanic to select an item, or character, or action by chance is not the same as teaching how to gamble for money in a casino. These differences currently prevent us from applying the gambling descriptor. But we are very aware that it may get too close for comfort for some people, and that is part of an internal discussion that PEGI is having for the moment. The games industry is evolving constantly (and rapidly in recent years). As a rating organisation, we need to ensure that these developments are reflected in our classification criteria. We do not base our decisions on the content of a single trailer, but we will properly assess how the rating system (and the video games industry in general) should address these concerns."

It's important to remember that the PEGI system, like the ESRB, ultimately works for the gaming industry, not for the consumer. So when they say they’re looking into it, they’re probably doing it only in so far as the law remains threatening to them. All the same, I hope they do, eventually, broaden the gambling rules to encapsulate this kind of thing.


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