PUBG Gets a Website For Its Lore

PUBG Gets a Website For Its Lore

That's probably really cool for somebody.

pocru by pocru on Oct 26, 2020 @ 08:04 AM (Staff Bios)
Last year, PUBG -- you know, the battle royale that started the craze currently dominated by Fortnite -- released a trailer that, on top of promoting the start of a new season, revealed that apparently the game actually had lore. Up until that point, the only 'story' PUBG had was you were one of 100 people who are dropped on an island and are all really hungry for chicken. The new trailer didn't offer much, just some small context for who started these games and why, but for a game where story seemed otherwise completely absent, it came as a total surprise.

Well, in the year and some change since, there's been a few more drops of lore here and there, mostly in environmental design, but this latest website from the PUBG team is the first huge lore drop the game has enjoyed since that first trailer earlier in 2019. Literally called "PUBG Lore", this new webiste has articles, short stories, and information about the burgeoning world of PUBG, with slick new art and presentation that, while completely superfluous to enjoying PUBG, could still be enjoyable to superfans, or anyone who's a sucker for game lore.

Hell, I don't play PUBG anymore, but taking a curious poke around, I'm already learning new things. Like, apparently, a major element of the game is an ancient religion and a prophecy engraved on an old stone. There's a dude named "lunchmeat" who was born in the city I currently call home, Prague, who's very dramatic about such a silly name. And we also learned that apparently everyone who goes to the battlegrounds are "recruited", rather than being forced to join in the bloodshed, as some previously assumed.

Anyway, you can read up on some stuff yourself on the website. It's not a lot right now, but presumably, more will be added in the future.


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