Project CARS to Treat Us to 110 Courses at Launch

Project CARS to Treat Us to 110 Courses at Launch

Ready, set, launch!

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Apr 18, 2015 @ 02:00 PM (Staff Bios)
Project CARS is looking to be pretty big. Slightly Mad Studios has announced that the powerful racing simulator will boast 110 courses and 30 locations worldwide at launch.

Yes, as in not including future DLC.

Just to clarify, that is a lot of courses. These tracks resemble their real-world counterparts, including the Nürburgring in German, Zhuhai International Circuit in China, Chesterfield in the United Kingdom, and the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France.

Most locations in the game will have different layouts for each racing type, which count toward the 110 courses Project CARs offers. For instance, Nürburgring has four different layouts: GP, Mullenbach, Sprint, and Sprint Short.

Though a few sites state that the release dates are May 6th for the US and May 8th for the UK, the official website says differently. According to the site, we will finally see the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases of Project CARS on May 7th in Europe and Australasia, May 8th in the United Kingdom, and finally, May 12th in the United States and Canada. The PC/Steam release will unlock on May 7th at midnight on Steam worldwide, so it seems as if some regions will have to wait a little longer for the PS4 and Xbox One versions. The Wii U version is still in the works, so the release date for the platform is currently unknown.

If you still haven't pre-ordered and would love to get your hands on this shiny game, you can always visit the pre-order page and get your pre-order on.


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