President Trump Blames Violent Video Games for "Shaping People's Thoughts"

President Trump Blames Violent Video Games for "Shaping People's Thoughts"

History repeats itself.

pocru by pocru on Feb 23, 2018 @ 08:18 AM (Staff Bios)
Ever since the brutal murder of 17 young students in Florida, there’s been a lot of discussion about what can be done to curb gun violence in this country, specifically in schools. And while the liberal media and the survivors of the shooting might point to common sense gun regulation to solve the issue, our brave and patriotic president Donald J. Trump knows what’s actually to blame: mental illness.

But since he’s cut funding that would have helped detect and treat mental illness, he’s also deciding that movies, video games and the internet are the problem, and that those would be a convenient scapegoat.

"We have to look at the internet, because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds and their minds are being formed, and we have to do something about maybe what they’re seeing and how they’re seeing it. And also video games; I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping people’s thoughts."

I would normally avoid commenting on this kind of thing out of respect for the victims and the survivors, but to be perfectly honest, the survivors have been speaking out overwhelmingly in favor of gun control and legislation, so I think it would be more respectful to point that fact out then try to ignore it. It’s not surprising that the republicans in Washington would try to blame video games for the situation, given that it’s such an easy target, but what’s still unclear is if they plan to act on their stupid, stupid notion of censorship. The extra tax in Rhode Island might be a ‘middle ground’ that people agree on, but to disagree with my fellow contributor, while I’m all for extra funding going to helping mental health, is it really worth it if it means games are implied to be the cause of these kinds of attacks?

Especially since the proposing legislator has a 93% approval rating from the NRA?

Politics. Gotta love it.


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