Playstation Plus And The Gifts Of This Month

Playstation Plus And The Gifts Of This Month

Playstation Plus makes its own March Madness.

Kuro by Kuro on Mar 01, 2014 @ 02:48 PM (Staff Bios)
Members of the Sony gaming family, REJOICE! More freebies are on their way, and that means were going to have something fun for EVERYONE! Probably! Okay maybe not some people are picky. But still, its, as usual, a nice lineup of offerings, bringing six new games to the Instant Game Collection. They include;

Playstation 4:

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition: A new port of the critically acclaimed PS3 Dual-Stick shooter (previously free as a freebie as an apology for the infamous PSN Downing a few years back), Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition is promising new features and elements, as well as improvements to graphics and general gameplay [background=transparent]specially for the Playstation 4!

Playstation 3:

Tomb Raider: The brutal and gritty reboot of a classic franchise, chronicling the adventure that turned Lara Croft from a recent graduate, to a symbol of feminine badassery everywhere. Thomas Was Alone: A downloadable title for the Playstation 3, Thomas Was Alone is a game about camaraderie and friendship between sentient rectangles, as you guide them to their destination. With a boss score, excellent voice-overs, and jumping geometry, this is a must-have for all PS+ owners this March, especially Vita owners, who receive it there as well due to Cross-buy!

Lone Survivor: The Directors Cut: Waah, my choices never matter Boohoo, my survival games are boring cry the sad gamers, but cry no longer! For here comes yet another game, free (and Cross-Buy enabled) from Playstation Plus! Lone Survivor: The Directors Cut is a psychological survival game, in which you control a masked protagonist, who has to choose how to survive their current debacle. Care for your body, sleep, and sneak by unscathed? Or would you rather hop yourself up on drugs and kill everything? Well, both are an option, have fun.

Playstation Vita:

Unit 13: One of the only games without a damn colon in it this month, this action-packed Third Person Shooter for the Vita boasts 36 different tactical missions, 9 High-Value-Target battle scenarios, and fast-paced co-op action, using the wifi capabilities of the Playstation Vita. So, if youre looking to have fun with a buddy on the go, and you both actually OWN A VITA, well one Im impressed but beyond that, this is right up your alley.

Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite: Okay, its Monster Hunter. Just by seeing this people are already waiting to download it. But still, for those who are uninformed, this is a party you need to get in on! A port of the PSP version of the game, Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite offers over 500 hours of gameplay, 4-player team-play, 1400 weapons, and over 2000 armor-sets to customize your characters to your liking. Not good enough for you? Like I said, people are picky.

Need more convincing that these games are worth the hard-drive space? Watch this preview here, then!



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