Playstation 4 Launches In Japan, Conquers Market.

Playstation 4 Launches In Japan, Conquers Market.

It only took a few extra months...

Kuro by Kuro on Feb 26, 2014 @ 12:22 AM (Staff Bios)
The day of reckoning has come. The Playstation 4, made by Japanese company Sony, has finally made its way into the Japanese market. With the WiiU unfortunately just not faring as well as the (monstrously successful) Wii before it, and the Xbox One not even having a set date to be released to the Japanese public, the current generation doesn't even have any competition lined up for the new Playstation! Coming in two bundles, a ¥41,900 standard bundle and a  ¥46,100 Playstation Camera bundle, the new console is exploding onto the scene with a launch line-up consisting of the likes of the popular Yakuza series,  Dynasty Warriors, and day-one access to the PS4 beta for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. These promising titles are definitely helping fuel Sony World Wide Studio President Shuhei Yoshidas hopes for booming success in the Japanese market, based upon a recent interview with The Verge.

"In a sense I hope [PS4 sells out in Japan too]. That's what's been happening outside Japan, so it would be strange to see just in Japan that there are units everywhere."

Beyond that, however, is looking at how some of the interesting new features of the PS4 will affect not just Japanese, but global gaming as a whole. With the new heavy social integration that Sony loves to boast about (with good reason!), it allows the comparatively shy Japanese gaming community to easily display a lot of the games unique to their region via the Twitch and Ustream streaming services. This could end up garnering a lot of attention to these games from audiences that dont generally have an interest in them, and help expand the horizons of a lot of Japanese studios to experiment with localization. All in all, the way Sony is currently dominating the region, they may be the breadwinners of this console generation for Japan, even after all the trolling they've been doing in their commercials.


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