Play the first Six Hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition for Free

Play the first Six Hours of Dragon Age: Inquisition for Free

That'd be enough time to finish most game's single-player.

pocru by pocru on Jul 15, 2015 @ 08:00 AM (Staff Bios)
Dragon Age: Inquisition was one of the most popular games last year, and for good reason: the entire experience is richly packed with amazing characters, intriguing plot, and enough “wait ten hours to accomplish this thing off-screen” events to satisfy even the most ardent fans of the browser RTS market. It’s a commercial and critical success, but even that isn’t enough: developer Bioware and publisher EA would like even more people to catch the Inquisition bug, and thus, Origin has announced a rather unique offer for potential customers:

Starting now, for an indeterminate time in the future, Origin will allow people to download a six-hour “demo” of the game: meaning for a full six hours, they can play the single-player campaign as far as they can go, completely free. Additionally, they’ll have unrestricted access to the multiplayer—including the two multiplayer expansion packs.”

The six-hour demo is in-game time, meaning you don’t have to sit in front of your computer for six hours in a row to get the most out of the experience (although it’ll be tempting not too) and once you’re finished, if you decide to buy the game full, you can save your progress and transfer it onto the full game, meaning you don’t have to play them over again.

This is certainly a step in the right direction compared to the old “pay for a demo” days.

Origin, EA’s digital games service, has alwaysbeen something of an unsung hero in the digital games market, since despite the association with EA and the limited library, it’s actually a pretty fantastic service, with people frequently getting free games and surprisingly good bonuses like this for having an account. And while this is still ultimately just a demo, it’s a pretty darn good one—and free multiplayer is a nice bonus, even if that’s not even half the reason anyone might be interested in this game.

Currently, the offer only extends to PC copies of the game, and will only be available for ‘a limited time’, whatever that means. So, if you’ve been on the fence, or you’ve just wanted to see what the fuss is about, now’s the time to try it out yourself!


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