Platinum Games Working on a "Formless" new IP

Platinum Games Working on a "Formless" new IP

It could be anything, but it will probably be a spectacle.

pocru by pocru on May 23, 2017 @ 04:35 AM (Staff Bios)
Platinum Games is well known for making high-octane combat games that push the limit of the spectacle fighter genre, but typically, they aren’t making their own games: rather, they are given a project by another company and work to boost the combat up to 11, like in Metal Gear Solid Revengance, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and more. The only games they own the IP too are Madworld (which isn’t going anywhere), Bayonetta (still pretty good), Vanquish (sequel unlikely) and Infinite Space, which I can safely say we all forgot existed.

But a fifth game might be added to their small but respectable stable, a new “formless, shapeless IP” that was spoken of in brief by producer Atsushi Inaba when he was speaking at BitSummit in Japan. The report, filed by DualShockers, doesn’t go into much detail about this new IP, largely because there was very little to share on this subject. The only thing revealed about the IP is that it’s new, it’s owned by Platinum games, and that it’s probably a long, long ways from ever being ready for the public.

So, it’s not much in the way of news, but it is a bit exciting. Platinum has earned quite a bit of pedigree, and I look forward to seeing the insane off-the-rails action of Bayonetta displayed on a whole new stage. Or maybe they’re working in an entirely different genre altogether?

Sad. Possible, but… sad.


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