Platinum Games Thinking About Bayonetta 3

Platinum Games Thinking About Bayonetta 3

And how to make it, I should specify.

pocru by pocru on May 31, 2017 @ 04:27 AM (Staff Bios)
Platinum Games announced last week that they were toying around with making a brand-new IP, which they were hoping to unveil to the world once they got all the kinks worked out. But to say Platinum Games has a great track record with original IPs, well, that wouldn’t exactly be fair. They’ve only really “owned” three series: MadWorld, Vanquish (which was just re-released on PC, by the way) and Bayonetta. And while the former two games were well received, it was only Bayonetta that made Platinum Games a recognized developer in their own right, in no small part because of its shameless sex appeal.

But I get ahead of myself. The second Bayonetta game was released three years ago for the Wii U (Jesus, that long ago?), and it’s been quite a while since we’ve seen any of the hair-clothed witch, save her cameo as a DLC character in Super Smash Bros. You might be wondering when we’re due to get a third game in her series, and if you are wondering, then I have some good news: you’re not the only one thinking about it.

When talking with SourceGaming about the possibility (considering how the second game ended), this little nugget came up:

“Maybe there would be a male Bayonetta! (laughs). I would like to make Bayonetta 3. We're talking within the company even now about what to do. But because we're constantly talking about it, that actually makes it really hard to say. If we weren't talking about it, we could just say something random or offhand, you know, but because we're actually talking about it...Of course, that's just something that you talk about when you're making a series - do you want to keep the same protagonist? There's plenty of precedent for changing protagonists, and so that is something we discuss - do we want to keep the same one, have a different one, add new ones - but that's certainly not anything I can say for sure at this point."

Interesting. Nothing definitive, for sure, but it’s cool to hear how they’re thinking and talking about it. I’d like to see another game in the series, myself, but I think I’d prefer that new IP even more… but who knows? Maybe I’ll luck out and get both.

But nothing to do but wait in the meantime. I’m sure Platinum has plenty of other stuff to keep us both busy…


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