Pixel: ru2 is Treated to the "10" Update

Pixel: ru2 is Treated to the "10" Update

Seems like quite a few improvements right there.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Oct 11, 2015 @ 08:00 PM (Staff Bios)
Castle Crashers isn't the only game that will be receiving a quality update soon. Pixel: ru2 (as in squared) will be receiving an update soon--an update focusing on the number 10.


First, there will be ten new levels introduced. The tutorial has been overhauled and expanded into ten levels rather than four. Some elements of the old levels have made it to the new levels, but most of the levels are new, improved, and will help you get used to the mechanics. What comes with the new levels are new music tracks and background story to serve as immersion springboards.

Even more so, these ten levels will be available in the demo.

10 New Achievements

Pixel now has Steam Achievements for achievement hunters. There are ten to start with, with more on the way:

10 100 1: Kill two enemies with a single Rocket.
Firewall: Set an enemy on fire through a barrier using the Burn weapon.
Hax: Jump or flip off of an enemy projectile.
Hotfix: Change the color of a projectile while in flight so that it will now damage an enemy.
PTMP: Hit three enemies at the same time with the Spray weapon.

10 Other Improvements

You can't forget about the general improvements! Well, you can, but you'd be faulted for it. Here goes, nevertheless:
  • Optimized performance, still some issues (especially with the fire mechanics), but according to the devs, they're working on it.
  • Added a hint system to help those in need.
  • Added tips that will display between levels (i.e. the loading screen).
  • There has been a memory issue for mostly Windows 10 users that causes the game to crash upon the loading of a new level--that has been fixed.
  • For better incentive/playability, your score is displayed at the end of each level, whereas the image information has been moved to another part of the screen.
  • Some old levels have been changed to reduce frustration. Additionally, the box in Syntax Error is larger.
  • Buffs have been applied to a few weapons. Buffs have also been made to some enemies, but other enemies have been nerfed.
  • Issues regarding level resetting have been fixed.
  • The ability to shoot is now mapped to the arrow keys. Players are also given the ability to mix color bindings--for instance, simply press the red and blue buttons on an Xbox controller to choose magenta.
  • And finally... well the final improvement is a secret. Sorry. 
Hopefully the game's improvements will be enough to grab the attention of potential fans. Pixel is an Early Access pixel adventure that pits you in the image files of a digital world where physics aren't constant. Because of this, you will have to run, jump, flip upside down, and defeat other pixels with powerful weapons in order to reach the end of the levels and collect bits of data that will reveal why your world must survive.

You can purchase Pixel on Steam for $9.99 or a 2-pack for you and a friend for only $16.77. If you're also into the music, the soundtrack is available for $4.29.


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