Overwatch's Lucio Gets Surprise Update

Overwatch's Lucio Gets Surprise Update

And it has nothing to do with Sombra.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Jul 23, 2016 @ 09:43 AM (Staff Bios)
Secret updates are a tricky thing. We have no idea why they exist, is the main thing. The latest Overwatch patch fixed a lot of balancing issues as well as added a new character. D-VA and Zenyatta got a much needed buff, and it was prominently displayed in the patch notes. For Lucio, the only noted change was that his ultimate cost increased by 10%. This was to make up for the fact that self-healing now charges ultimates as well. However, there seems to be an additional buff for the healer that isn't mentioned at all.

Thank you, Professor Ganymede!

In Overwatch, Lucio's wall riding ability used to be a neat gimmick that would sometimes come in handy. He could slide along the wall for a few seconds before letting go. This way, he had increased maneuverability and could cross small gaps. Now, his wall ride has no end. Well, unless he runs out of wall. This completely changes his usability. Tons of new paths have opened up for him, now. Another addition is that he seamlessly transfers to another wall, even at 90 degree angles. Of course, this only works for internal corners. The only question is why keep this secret? Blizzard only knows.


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