Overwatch Rolls Out Red Carpet for Ana

Overwatch Rolls Out Red Carpet for Ana

Expect to see her in every match for the next month.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Jul 19, 2016 @ 04:11 PM (Staff Bios)
For the Overwatch players who felt the Public Test Region was for suckers, Ana is now available to play. The new character of Blizzard's team shooter officially joins every available region. Now there is no hiding from the hybrid sniper/healer. Expect her to be putting you and your fellow teammates to sleep (both temporarily and permanently). Since she's still a fairly new addition, serious players may want to refrain from the Quick Play mode for the time being. It's most definitely an unbalanced mess of Ana tests.

Ana isn't the only new addition to the game. The same major and highly anticipated patch that brought us Phara's mother also brought many improvements to existing characters. From now on, D-VA and Zenyatta are no longer nearly useless. While a skilled Overwatch player may have handled those characters well beforehand, less talented gamers weren't able to use them as intended. Now, D-VA's defense matrix works more like Reinhardt's shield and her ultimate ability takes less time to go off. Zenyatta got an even bigger buff. He had more shields, throws his harmony and discord orbs exponentially faster, and hauls ass at double speed while in transcendence. Oh, and his transcendence heals 300 health each second instead of 200. So now, the typical player can use the characters for what they were designed for, and skilled players can wipe the field with them. There are plenty of other, less exciting additions as well, but you should check out the patch notes if you want to read them all.


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