No Man" part down pat.">
No Man's Sky Has No Functional Mutliplayer

No Man's Sky Has No Functional Mutliplayer

They certainly got the "No Man" part down pat.

pocru by pocru on Aug 10, 2016 @ 11:41 AM (Staff Bios)
I reported last week that both Sony and Steam agreed that No Man's Sky was so massive, so gigantic, that it could functionally be called a single-player game, as your chance or running into another player, let alone another friend, was so small astronomically small it could easily be ignored, meaning you could play No Man's Sky online without having a PSN account.

Well. Now that No Man's Sky is out, and people have played it, I can confirm this is true: it is unlikely you'll run into a friend playing at the same time as you. In so far that, as two players recently discovered, it's actually downright impossible.

I guess Hello Games and Sony thought it'd take longer for people to figure this out.

You see, as reported by Kotaku, two players, TheSadCactus and Psytokat, had made a spirited effort to see each other after the former landed on a planet discovered by the latter, sent him a message, and tried to arrange a meeting. Both took to Twitch to stream their attempts to see each other, only to discover, 'lo and behold, that while both of them were indeed on the planet, they were invisible to each other and couldn't interact in any way.

Which is awkward, as one Kotaku commenter points out, the game creator straight-up lied around the 5:40 mark.

Granted, this is from a year ago, so they may have had plans to have true multiplayer at the time, and they've tried to distance themselves from the multiplayer components but if you read the twitter thread, he never directly STATES that it's absolutely impossible: he worms around saying it by saying "pretty much zero". So it's one of those "Trying to be honest but sounding impressive while they do it and not really being honest" sort of deals, huh?

Not to say I told you so or anything, but...


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