Nintendo Switch Games Will Have Higher Prices in the United Kingdom

Nintendo Switch Games Will Have Higher Prices in the United Kingdom

Sad day for the UK.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Jan 14, 2017 @ 10:43 PM (Staff Bios)
With the big reveal for the Nintendo Switch wrapping up a few days ago, there has been a lot of news going around about some of the big titles. Since the presentation is now over, the majority of retailers have started to allow consumers to place preorders on the games that were showcased. This is where it appears as though people in the UK are going to be getting the short end of the stick compared to the US.

The price for the majority of new titles is $60 in the US, which would be about £40 in the UK. While all of the brand new titles released for the Nintendo Switch will be priced at $60 in the US, certain games will have a steeper price tag in the United Kingdom. The major titles, such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Oddysey, Xenoblade 2, and Fire Emblem Warriors, will actually cost about £59 in the UK, which is equivalent to about $71 in the United States.

The less high-profile titles will be released at normal price. People are saying that this may be due to the decreasing value of the pound, but whatever the reason, this is the pricing strategy that Nintendo came up with. My apologies to those in the UK. I would be very upset if I had to pay more than my usual $60, as I feel that's quite enough already, but hopefully things can settle soon and return to normal for the United Kingdom.


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