Nintendo Provides a Set of Guidelines for Deleted Mario Maker Courses

Nintendo Provides a Set of Guidelines for Deleted Mario Maker Courses

Well, at least there is some clarification now.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Apr 10, 2016 @ 12:03 PM (Staff Bios)
For those that don't catch onto the video game industry news regularly, it's been apparent that Nintendo has been deleting courses "randomly" from Super Mario Maker. This has left people a little disappointed in the action, but Nintendo has recently clarified some of the reasons with a set of guidelines:

Low stars/plays

After a fixed period of time, courses with low stars/plays will be automatically deleted from the server


Courses that include bugs that were unintended by either the course creator or the developers will be deleted. It's important that we remove levels with bug quickly, because letting these levels remain in Course World can lead to negative outcomes for many players such as players experiencing levels in unfair ways that the original course creator did not intend, or re-writing "World Record" times.

Requesting stars from other users

Courses that are explicitly asking for stars from other players will be deleted. For example, using words such as "Like", "Yeah!", and the "★" symbol in their course names. Please change the course name when saving a course that includes these words.

Inappropriate Content

Courses that contain something inappropriate, such as offensive language or phrases will be deleted.

Other behavior in violation of the Nintendo Network Code of Conduct. Please note that repeated violations can result in additional penalties.

Though it should be noted that Nintendo should also provide direct reason as to why the courses are deleted, this is a good first step at the very least.


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