Nintendo Direct Shows off Arms, Splatoon 2

Nintendo Direct Shows off Arms, Splatoon 2

And release dates!

pocru by pocru on Apr 13, 2017 @ 01:40 AM (Staff Bios)
Nintendo had one of their iconic livestreams the other day, showing off a whole bunch of new stuff. While it wasn’t their biggest livestream in a long while, we did get a good look at their latest new IP, Arms, and some spicy details about the highly-anticipated Splatoon 2. And release dates!

Good stuff all around. Let’s start with Arms.

In ARMS, we not only got to see a new character, a girl named Minmin, we also got a much more in-depth explanation of how the combat actually works. It’s basically like that minigame from Wii Sports, Wii Boxing, times a bazillion. Also in this live stream, they revealed a new yellow color for the controllers, and a new accessory for the controllers called the AA Battery Pack, which gives your JoyCon battery… well, more battery.

They also re-leveled that the game will be launched surprisingly soon, June 16th. So look forward to that.

As for Splatoon 2…

While Splatoon looks to be largely “more Splatoon 1”, there is at least one new feature in the game: a new horde-based co-op mode called Salmon Run, where a team of players has to face off against waves of Salmoid, who get more powerful with each wave. Instead of earning cash for each one killed, they drop Power Eggs, which you can use to upgrade abilities to prepare for the next wave.

The presentation also showed off the new Splatoon Amiibo. However, these will be a mite less impressive than the new items and levels the first wave of Splatoon toys unlocked: these will merely allow you to easily save a loadout onto them, so you can easily set yourself up if playing on a friend’s system. Sounds good.

Splatoon’s release date was also revealed: July 21st. It seems Switch owners don’t have a long wait before getting some more value out of their systems.


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