Nintendo Considers Third-Party Usage of Amiibos

Nintendo Considers Third-Party Usage of Amiibos

Does that mean more third-party devs for the Wii U!?

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Nov 09, 2014 @ 09:36 PM (Staff Bios)
Curious about those Amiibo figurines Nintendo is releasing? We consumers aren’t the only ones interested. Turns out the third-party developers are also interested in these little interactive figurines. Apparently, Nintendo is even considering allowing third-party developers to make games that will support these figures. These figures, which will be released later this month, will be useful, but not exactly necessary for the upcoming Wii U title, Smash Bros (for the Wii U). What one could do with these Amiibos, which are figures that resemble famous Nintendo characters, is be able to earn experience for each character/amiibo.

Each of these amiibos will be unique and customized for players (regarding statistics, movesets, etc.). Upcoming/already released games that will be compatible with these amiibos are Mario Kart 8, Mario Party 10, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and Yoshi’s Wooly World. The first wave of these Amiibo figures will be released November 21st, and the second wave December 2014 for a decent price of $12.99. I find these amiibo figures adorable, and personally speaking, I look forward to the Yoshi amiibo figure. I also wonder about the compatibility of future games. How would these amiibos work with other games? How could third-party developers fully utilize these amiibo figures, or would they be able create some of their own to allow customization in their games (i.e. a possible Bayonetta amiibo for Bayonetta 2)? I suppose we will find out soon enough, if Nintendo allows third-party developers access to the amiibo family. Let's hope!


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