Nintendo "Awknowledges" That Toad is Shaped like Donald Trump's Junk

Nintendo "Awknowledges" That Toad is Shaped like Donald Trump's Junk

Aww, look, he's happy to see you!

pocru by pocru on Sep 18, 2018 @ 11:46 PM (Staff Bios)
I have no shyness when it comes to talking about politics (which should be obvious, with all the loot box news comes around), but I don’t always relish it when the subjects of gaming and politics intertwine: typically it’s boring stuff about legislation or legalization or “won’t somebody think of the children” kind of crap. But sometimes: sometimes it’s absolute gold.
But first, a bit of background. In case you didn’t know (god bless), President Donald Trump has embroiled in something of a hubbub thanks to one porn star named Stormy Daniels and an affair they had a few years back. Now, at first, ol’ Stormy was forbidden from talking about the affair thanks to a payoff she received from ol’ DT, but those bounds have since been removed and she’s written a book about her experience (like all of Trump’s former pals do), called Full Disclosure.

And in Full Disclosure, she describes Donald Trump’s penis.

She describes it like this:

“He knows he has an unusual penis. It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool… I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f@#ked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart …|

If you ignore the fact she could have taken five seconds to google Toad’s name, that’s hilarious. Objectively hilarious. But if that’s all that happened, good taste would have probably dictated that I not report this on our family-friendly site.

But then Nintendo of America tweeted this.

This is the best day of my games journalism life.

Ol’ Donny T hasn’t responded to the book at the time of writing, but I think it’s safe to say his reaction will be “denial” and “pissed." We obviously won’t be reporting on the fallout, that’s not in our sphere, but I just thought you needed to know that Nintendo has acknowledged that Toad, canonically, is shaped like Donald Trump’s penis.

You’re welcome.


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