Nexus Mod Manager Support is Coming to Call of Cthulhu: DCoTE

Nexus Mod Manager Support is Coming to Call of Cthulhu: DCoTE

Over 15 years after the game's release.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Mar 01, 2021 @ 09:49 AM (Staff Bios)
There are few games out there as appropriately called a cult classic as Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. But only now, 15 years after release, is it getting mod support for Nexus.

CoC:DCotE wasnt developed or published with much mod-ability. As a result, a modding community never really established. Currently, only two mods exist for the game on the Nexus mod page. One of them is an HD texture pack called Sharp Corners of the Earth. It manually replaces the games textures with 4x upscaled versions, giving it a sharper look without losing the atmosphere. Now the creator of this mod has revealed their plan to introduce proper support for the Nexus mod manager Vortex.

The mod creator, known as SuckLead, posted on about their new plan. Remarking that someone else uploaded their texture mod to Nexus, this freed up enough of their time to allow focus on creating nexus support proper.

So I've created a DCoTE game extension for Vortex which installs the Sharp Corners of the Earth texture mod into a mods directory inside your game install. Vortex does this by downloading the mod zip, extracting it to its own staging directory and then creating symlinks to the files into your games mods directory. This makes it really easy to enable and disable mods at will.

The end result was something they call DCoTEHook. This system hooks onto the game files as they open, allowing a link to be formed with the symlink files in the mod directory.

In Laymans terms, theyve created a system that allows Vortex to substitute mod files at a whim, allowing users to enable and disable mods without having to permanently install files.

To put even more simply: it allows for Vortex Mod Manager support.

The DCoTEHook is already done and can be used without Vortex. Currently, SuckLead is working on polishing up the Vortex game extension before release.

While we dont exactly expect to see a mainstream boom of interest in modding Dark Corners of the Earth because of this, were happy to see the functionality made public. A good mod manager does wonders for cultivating a healthy mod community.

Maybe now well finally get a mod that replaces the fish monsters with Macho Man Randy Savage.


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