Next Heartstone Expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, Unveiled

Next Heartstone Expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, Unveiled

Worth keeping an eye on. Pun intended. I'll make it again in the article.

pocru by pocru on Mar 14, 2016 @ 03:47 AM (Staff Bios)
At this point, there’s not really any surprise in hearing that Blizzard is releasing an expansion for Hearthstone: I think it may be their most popular creation since the original World of Warcraft which inspired it, so of course they’re going to keep making cards for it, and in the process, screw up the meta in new, exciting ways. Well, they teased earlier last week that a new expansion would be coming, and last Friday, they finally announced it--an expansion based around the Eldritch horrors lurking just behind the veil of reality, Whispers of the Old Gods.

For countless millennia, the Old Gods have slept. Now, the time of their awakening draws near; their evil influence has crawled even into the tavern! Can you feel your cards trembling in their decks as the corruption spreads? Some of your old friends have already grown icky masses of tentacles and a downright frightening number of eyeballs! Of course, while some would recoil at these cards, a resourceful player like you might just be able to harness the power of the Old Gods. Yeees, surely nothing could go wrong...

The set will have 134 new cards, and the ones we know about now are focused on C'Thun and his various worshipers and allies. Among some of the new cards are the legendary C'Thun itself, a Beckoner of Evil, and the Twilight Elder, who both buff him (wherever he is) when they’re played. N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and Y'Shaarj, other big bads, are expected to pop up as well.

While the new cards themselves won’t launch for a while yet--Blizzard anticipates it will be sometime in mid-april or may--you can already start pre-purchasing cards. Specifically, you can drop a cool fifty and pre-order 50 packs of the new expansion cards, but you can only do it once per account, and only as a pre-sale, so… if you anticipate falling in love with this expansion you might want to splurge on that.

In the meantime, keep an eye on the official site, right here, for further updates and information as we work our way up to the final release.


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