Narbash Hits the Battleground Today in Paragon!

Narbash Hits the Battleground Today in Paragon!

It's also Free-To-Play now!

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Aug 23, 2016 @ 03:24 PM (Staff Bios)
On August 13th, the new third-person MOBA Paragon went free-to-play! Today, their newest hero Narbash has hit the queues. This is the first new hero release since the game went free-to-play, so let's see what Narbash is bringing to the table!

Narbash is a melee caster support hero. He uses Order and Growth decks and deals out physical damage. Hit kit allows him to buff his teammates while focusing heavy crowd control on enemies. You should be building him as a hybrid tank, focusing mainly on both armor and magic resist as well as mana. Being a caster, it's necessary that you give yourself a large mana pool and enough resistance to aid your team in fights. Now let's get into the breakdown of the kit.

Song of My People - Grants bonus health regen to nearby allies and yourself.

Thunk - Throws one of Narbash's drumsticks in a straight line forward. The first enemy hit becomes stunned.

March - Grants movement speed to yourself and nearby allies.

Crash Bang Boom - Narbash pounds on his drums causing an AoE slowly field around him that deals damage per second. The final hit of the drum will knock up all enemies still in the AoE range.

If you haven't noticed, Narbash offers an absolutely incredible kit as a support. Dropping Crash Bang Boom in the center of a teamfight can give your allies a huge advantage, as well as being able to interrupt enemy ults from afar with Thunk. Get your team out of a tricky situation with March, or use it to catch that half hp Gideon that's trying to run back to tower. No matter how you decide to play Narbash, he makes a great addition to almost every team composition and be sure to start playing in the Paragon Hero Race now! The community needs to reach 1 billion total experience to get the reward, and the first person to reach level 10 will make it into the Hall of Fame!


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