After a month of dropping not so subtle hints on Twitter, Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon just announced the next game in the series moments ago. The cat was first let out of the bag back in February when Keifer Sutherland was doing press for his role in Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, and let it slip that he had also done voice work for the next Mortal Kombat.
A teaser trailer followed this morning's announcement to whet the appetite of all you would be Netherrealm combatants... however it seems they are saving a gameplay reveal for next week's E3. The trailer does give a few key pieces of information about the game, especially the camera sticking to the traditional side view in which MK returned to in Mortal Kombat 9. The other big feature in the trailer is how Sub Zero and Scorpion are using the environment while fighting. This was a key feature in Netherrealm Studios' Injustice Gods Among Us, where "interactables" were introduced... in case you ever wanted to slap Superman in the face with a dead pig. The video shows Sub Zero breaking off a tree branch as a weapon as well as doing a flipping kick from a tree branch. The video also ends with Scorpion using the tree as part of a fatality... but of course there's been stage fatalities in the series since day one.
No platforms were announced in the trailer, but there was already an Amazon UK leak last night that outed the game for PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and XBone. Mortal Kombat X seems to be one of many games being announced prior to E3 to avoid getting lost in the noise of so many game announcements over a 3-4 day period. Microsoft also just announced Forza: Horizon 2 for XBone and Xbox 360 this morning, due out this fall... MKX won't be out until 2015.
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