Minecraft Genius has Fully Re-Created Pokemon Red

Minecraft Genius has Fully Re-Created Pokemon Red

This is insanity.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Mar 14, 2017 @ 02:11 PM (Staff Bios)

I want to start off by saying that I have played Minecraft, but not extensively. While I'm not really a Minecraft enthusiast, I do enjoy playing occasionally, and I especially love seeing all the different modifications people make to the game and the creativity that goes into the maps people make. I don't use the word genius very lightly, but in this case, I don't know what else to call it. A master Minecraft builder named "Mr.Squishy" started a project back in 2015 to fully re-create a playable version of Pokemon Red in Minecraft.

Calling it ambitious is somewhat of an understatement due to the sheer size of the game. Considering Mr.Squishy was working on this behemoth of a project completely on his own, the amount of time he completed it in is pretty astonishing. According to an announcement made on Reddit, the project took a total of 21 months to complete and was built with 357,000 command blocks. No modifications were made to the game, and it took over 2,832 kilometers of in-game travel to complete. Just the thought of doing something like this makes my brain hurt.

Mr.Squishy is truly a Minecraft pioneer, as he pushes the limits of the game to lengths that people would initially call impossible. The number of things you can do with Minecraft is pretty amazing considering how simple of a game it is. Somehow, this simplistic game has sparked a community of incredibly creative architects. Mr.Squishy is without a doubt a "Minecraft Genius".

"I love pushing the boundaries of the game. Minecraft really shouldn't be able to run Pokemon Redit's a 3D game about building and survivingbut the fact that it can is excites me. It truly shows that if you can dream it, you can make it."

While Mr.Squishy has worked on this project for a long time, it's still a fresh project, which means it's prone to bugs and glitches. Mr.Squishy urges people to save often to avoid losing progress. If you're interested in trying out Pokemon Red in Minecraft for yourself, click here!


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