complications" going around these days.">
Mighty No. 9 Demo ALSO Delayed Due to "Complications"

Mighty No. 9 Demo ALSO Delayed Due to "Complications"

Lots of these "complications" going around these days.

pocru by pocru on Sep 21, 2015 @ 03:20 AM (Staff Bios)
Mighty No. 9, spiritual successor of Mega Man and all-around disappointment, has been having a rough last couple months. In part, that’s due to the large controversy surrounding Red Ash, the second game Comcept tried to kickstart before even delivering on Mighty No. 9, but some of it is just good ol’ fashioned company dickery. The game has suffered delays and quality drops, and while the final release has been pushed back to next year, the team at Comcept was supposed to release a demo to satisfy unhappy customers by now.

But then that got delayed, too. Not that many people knew that, they announced its delay in a rather obtuse, sketchy way--tacking it onto the end of an unrelated update.

At first, no one was sure what was going on, since Comcept was being quiet about where the backer-only demo was actually supposed to be. But fortunately, the team finally cleared up the smog of mystery surrounding the missing game, and has come forward with a more reasonable explanation as to where this demo is.

"although the demo had been finished and was ready to go, we ran into some very last-minute and unexpected complications with distributing the demo exclusively to all our backers through Steam. We've also been listening to your feedback about preferring to have a demo that is not time-limited. Given the complications with giving you the demo, we came to the conclusion that it would be better to make the demo DRM-free without any time restrictions. Comcept and all of our partners are working hard to get the demo ready and in our backers' hands as soon as possible."

So, yeah. The demo to satisfy people upset with the delay has been delayed for… reasons. Complications. I’m not going to say that’s an unreasonable excuse, since I don’t know exactly how they planned to give it out, but still… they probably should have said so sooner. Another check mark against Comcept.

You know, I think the last time I saw a successful Kickstarter flop so hard was with the Ouya: a mountain of potential, buried under an even larger mountain of seedy behavior, bad decisions, and customer dissatisfaction. I hope the final product justifies this weirdness.


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