Massachusetts Kid Receives Unexpected Wooden Gift in Place of PS4

Massachusetts Kid Receives Unexpected Wooden Gift in Place of PS4

This kid doesn't deserve it, however.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Dec 27, 2015 @ 07:32 PM (Staff Bios)
Well, as I mentioned previously, Christmas should be about joy and family, but sometimes it's simply not. Sometimes, a child who may not get his way may flip out and wreak havoc, but then other children may not get what they receive... and it's not intentional.

One family in Massachusetts had what seemed to be a bad practical joke from Target. According to Boston's Fox 25 news, nine-year-old Scott Lundy was given a PlayStation 4 Uncharted bundle. All excited, he opened it to reveal instead a wooden replica of a PlayStation 4 with the message, "from c@$k and balls with love." On the wooden structure is graphic picture.

According to Lundy's step-mother Kristin Lundy:

"He's crying and he's upset and he's in the playroom by himself and he just wants to be alone so at that point, I was crushed."

To rectify the issue, the family traveled to the Saugus, Massachusetts target where they purchased the system and spoke with a manger.

By the way, Santa's elves don't make electronics in the North Pole. Just to let you know. Anyway, Target managed to bring holiday cheer to the family by giving the family an actual new PlayStation 4 and a $100 gift card.

Yet, on the step-mother's Facebook, one matter remained negative:

"This has ruined his belief in Santa."


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