Marvel Comics and Riot Games Teaming Up for Comic about Ashe

Marvel Comics and Riot Games Teaming Up for Comic about Ashe

Not the Overwatch one.

pocru by pocru on Nov 20, 2018 @ 03:43 AM (Staff Bios)
League of Legends, a MOBA designed by Riot, is mostly in the news these days thanks to a pretty good World Championship and the not-so-good news of their rampant and dehumanizing misogamy. That said, it might surprise you to learn that the game is still being played and new stuff is happening in it: there’s a new champion that’s just been announced, the pre-season has arrived, and perhaps more interestingly, it turns out Riot Games will be teaming up with Marvel comics to release special League of Legends comic books, with the first one focusing on one of the oldest champions in the roster, Ashe.

Raised in the savage wilds of the north, Ashe is an Iceborn, a warrior gifted with a magical connection to her frozen homeland—and burdened by her mother’s fanatical expectations. When they set out on a dangerous quest for the truth behind an ancient myth, bonds are broken, secrets come to light, and Runeterra is forever changed. Will young Ashe become the leader her people need? Or is destiny merely an empty dream?

Those of you who’ve been playing League for a while will know that the game’s lore is as comprehensive as it is inconsistent. There have been countless lore reboots through the game's history, the biggest one being a few years ago when they dropped the in-universe “League of Legends” and made the actual gameplay non-canon. Ashe herself has had her backstory re-written four times now, and I very much doubt that even with this comic this will be the “definitive” version of her story.

Still, ultimately the only real “new” part of this “news” is the fact that Marvel is involved: Rot Games has been producing comics of their champions for a while now (of varying quality), so at the end of the day, this is only really news to people who don’t know what LoL is.

And that, my friends, is a bit too much outside the scope of this article.


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