Man Finds Porn on Newly Purchased Game System

Man Finds Porn on Newly Purchased Game System

He finds porno on Nintendo console he purchased for his son!

cronikgamer by cronikgamer on Jan 05, 2014 @ 08:11 PM (Staff Bios)
Imagine purchasing a new handheld gaming console for you son and finding out that it came with pornographic images from someone who previously used it. This is what happened to a man in Virginia not long ago when his 8-year-old son used his Christmas present to take a picture. Apparently, when the child went to open the picture on the device he discovered other pictures, which just happened to be pornographic images.

The father, Tom Mayhew, believes someone has used the game console before and left the pornographic pictures on the device when they returned it. The photos are dated from early in December, before Tom purchased it.

He told the local news station that "it was a shocker" because his son and other kids were around a lot of family that was visiting when it happened. What's really strange is that fact that these pornographic pictures were the only thing left on the gaming console from a previous user.

The console was purchased from Walmart and it's very disappointing that they would sell a device with pornographic pictures on it, especially a device that is commonly used by young children. Tom obviously didn't know what to say to his son, as he has yet to speak on the issue with him, although he did say he will explain the pictures to his son soon. He probably wasn't expecting to have that sort of conversation with his son until he hit puberty, so that must have been very upsetting for the family.

Can Tom Mayhew sue Walmart for selling him a gaming console with porno on it? If you ever purchase a used gaming console for a child you should check the device for adult content as you never know who used it before you...


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